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Corfe Hills School

Academy Status

Corfe Hills School moved from being a Foundation School with direct links to the Borough of Poole to being an Academy on 1 April 2011.

The school was able to make this move following an invitation from the Secretary of State to make the change.

The invitation was based on the trust being given to Corfe Hills as a school deemed outstanding by OFSTED.

The school carried out full consultation prior to the change and it identified three areas of advantage that would be a consequence of the switch;

  1. Increased autonomy in decision taking
  2. Increased levels of resources
  3. Greater freedom in the use of resources.

In making the change the school made a commitment to continue to pursue the same education goals and high standards, it committed to working in partnership with other schools and it committed to sustaining as a minimum existing pay and conditions for staff.

In this section documents that are pertinent to the operation of the academy are listed including some of those that must by law be made publicly available. If you have any enquiries about the school and academy status please do contact the Headteacher in the first instance.