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Corfe Hills School

Careers Advice Information


Corfe Hills School holds the prestigious award of 'Investors in Careers' because we believe that all students should be provided with a planned, impartial programme of career education and guidance that provides them with the skills and knowledge to make appropriate decisions and plan their career routes.

Careers Education is defined as:

Helping young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work.

Careers Guidance is defined as:

Enabling young people to use the knowledge and skills they develop to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them.

The school will make every effort to provide:

  • impartial advice and guidance for all and a referral for specialist support when that is identified
  • information about the full range of learning opportunities and we will ensure that this is available in a range of formats so that it is accessible to all
  • ongoing support for all
  • a planned, progressive programme of careers education activities, in line with statutory requirements.


 Your child will benefit from a comprehensive careers programme delivered through a variety of methods. Through our tutor time programme, assemblies, workshops, presentations, guest speakers, workplace visits, work experience, and careers fairs, students will develop knowledge and understanding of the opportunities available after ages 16 and 18. They will also receive timely labour market information to help them make informed decisions about their future.

By the end of Year 11, your child will have attended a careers guidance appointment with a qualified careers adviser. Further opportunities for appointments are available if they progress to our sixth form. Additionally, students can request an appointment at any time by contacting their Student Support Manager for their relevant year group.

In order to access relevant information for each year group click onto the link below  

Year 9 Year 10 and 11

Year 12 and 13

Raising the Participation Age (RPA)

The minimum age at which young people can leave education has been raised.

By 2013, young people will be required to take part in some form of education or training until they reach the age of 17, and by 2015, until the age of 18.

Raising the Participation Age (RPA) Policy