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Corfe Hills School


All students at Corfe Hills School are actively encouraged to get involved in the wide range of extra curricular activities available.

The number and range on offer are extensive and include: theatre trips with English or Drama, or participating in international sports tours (eg Dubai, South Africa).

Alternatively, students might attend a subject conference in London or travel to France with Business and ICT.  Back at school there are a number of thriving after school activities most days including sport, music, dance, the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and sports clubs.

The above just provides a flavour of the numerous opportunities available and more details can be found in the termly newsletters or student notice boards.

Duke of Edinburgh

Corfe Hills School has a thriving Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme with approximately 70 students being enrolled on to either the Bronze or Silver level of the award this year. 

The award is an internationally recognised achievement, which through a voluntary, non-competitive programme of activities seeks to encourage young people to use their leisure time effectively and to play a useful and discerning role within the community. The award is great fun and follows a four part programme covering expedition, skills, volunteering and physical.

Within each of the four sections participants choose from a range of up to 200 different activities so that each award is individually tailored and totally unique.

Recent projects have included police courses, a health and style course about beauty and fashion, fund raising for the Poole Hospital Children's Referral Unit and Julia's House Children's Hospice and expeditions in the Purbecks, Poole Harbour and Cranborne Chase.

There are two opportunities to become involved:

Year 10 students can participate in the Bronze award over two training weekends,
a final expedition and eDofE support meeting each half term from 3.15 – 4.30pm.

Year 12 and 13 students can participate in the Silver award over two training weekends, a final expedition and eDofE support meeting each half term from
3.15 – 4.30pm.

These sessions are used to support the students using the D of E's new online evidence and tracking log which is essential for each student to complete their awards at all levels.


At Corfe Hills there is an active and extremely successful extra curricular programme that accommodates students from all standards of performance.

Groups change throughout the year according to exam and curriculum commitments and include groups such as Show Band, Orchestra, Choir, Samba Band, Saxophone group, String Ensemble and many others. There are seven peripatetic staff offering tuition in almost all orchestral instruments in addition to singing, electric guitar, bass and theory lessons.

School Productions

The extra-curricular dimension of Drama and Music is very successful at Corfe Hills and the challenge and complexity of pieces over the past years are a credit to the performers who have worked on them combining top-level musicianship with ambitious dramatic flair.

Our 2024 school show was Annie Jr and showcased the wonderful talents of our students. Click here for photos from the show.


School Trips and Activities

At Corfe Hills there is a wide variety of trips and activities on offer spanning Year 9 to Year 13.

Some of these are specifically included to support the curriculum - regular Theatre trips and Geography fieldwork. Others are designed to promote international links whilst others focus on sport such as our overseas tours.

We recognise that trips and activities can be one of the most memorable aspects of school life. They can help students to become independent and manage their own lives. The school is proactive in encouraging an exceptional range of trips visits and activities (from the very local to those which involve travel to the other side of the world).

Students will be provided with details of trips and visits through their class teachers and through assemblies. In the meantime, if you have any questions about these, please ask.


We are very proud of our community links through our leadership provision.

Corfe Hills School provides many sports leaders to primary and middle school festivals throughout the year including Quadkids, Tri-Golf, Beach festival, Orienteering and Super8’s. They have also assisted with national events including the South West Disability Athletics event. Students learn the necessary skills within school via training by experts before volunteering their time to assist other pupils to strive to remain physically active. 

Trips/ Visits

Every two years the PE department organises an overseas sports tour with previous visits to Dubai, Australia and Thailand, South America to name a few.

Local trips have included coasteering and climbing in the Purbecks and trips to Twickenham for the rugby internationals. Students have also been on a tour of the Olympic Park.