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Corfe Hills School


Homework and ‘Out of Hours Learning’

Students are regularly asked to complete work at home in order to aid learning and enable increased progress.  This can take many forms including: extension tasks which build on work completed in class; questions and assignments designed to be completed as a single homework; a research project which may take place over an extended period of time. 

Students can access all aspects of homework through Microsoft Teams.   

Parents can set up live access to homework assignments. You can find out how to set this up using this link - How to log in (the first time and all the other times..) – Haldor Support

As a school we value parental support in ensuring homework tasks are completed on time and to a high standard. 

You can access full details of our homework policy using this link: Homework_Policy.pdf (corfehills.net)

For information on how to support your child in logging in to school websites such as Sparx Maths or Kerboodle please click here.