Remote Learning Information
Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education at Corfe Hills School, where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
What is taught to students at home?
All students will follow their set timetable of lessons, adhering to the same timings and subjects as they would in school.
The exceptions to this are:
· Core PE, which is delivered in daily 15-minute slots, to which students will be sent links.
· Some tutor time slots which have been set aside as additional break times
How will students be taught at home?
All lessons, with rare exceptions, will include an element of live teaching that will be a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 50 minutes.
These lessons will be delivered through Microsoft Teams and students will receive an invitation from their class teachers to attend.
The remainder of the lesson, which is not live, will used by students to complete the work set by teachers.
How long should my child be studying for each day?
Most work should be able to be completed during the school day (8.40 to 15.10)
However, some class work tasks may need additional ‘finishing off’ time, and may need uploading on to Teams
In addition to the school day, no students should have to work for more than 2 hours per evening.
Separate homework tasks will not be set in Years 9, 10 and 11.
How will students access remote learning?
Students will need:
· Internet connection
· An appropriate devise such as a desk-top, lap-top or tablet
· Access to Microsoft Teams
· Access to their school email account
· (Subject specific links will be sent by subject teachers)
Where students do not have access to any of the above, please contact the school via the links in the final section.
What expectations do we have of students?
Students are expected to:
· Attend all their timetabled live lessons via Microsoft Teams
· Work for the duration of the school day, taking appropriate breaks
· Complete the classwork set to the best of their ability
· Engage positively in the lesson
· Upload completed work to Microsoft Teams, as required by the class teacher
What can parents do to help?
We know individual circumstances can vary greatly during times of remote learning, and we know parents and carers will be doing their best to:
· Provide a quiet and comfortable place for your child to work
· Support your child to keep to the structure of the school day and complete work
In addition, please contact the school in the normal way if your child cannot attend lessons due to illness, medical appointments commitments etc.
If your child is feeling overwhelmed by workload or you have other concerns that may be affecting your child’s wellbeing or academic progress, please contact the Student Support Manager (see final section below)
How will we check whether students are engaging with lessons and how will parents be informed if there are concerns?
· A register of attendance will be taken every lesson
· Patterns of non-attendance will be followed up by Student Support Managers and you will be notified by phone or email
· Assignments will be uploaded to Teams by the student and subject teachers will liaise with Heads of Year where there are concerns regarding progress.
How will we assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual students. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others.
Where appropriate, students will also receive individual feedback via MS Teams. This is likely to be for major assignments and is not appropriate for all classwork.
What should you do if you have concerns?
Please do contact the school if you have any concerns or questions. The most appropriate contacts are like to be:
Specific IT enquiries:
Steve Parsons (IT Support Manager)
Attendance, welfare and safeguarding concerns: Student Support Managers:
Year 9 Aaron Lindon (
Year 10 Vicki O'Brien ( from 04/09 - 25/10/24
Year 11 Laura Vincent (
Sixth Form Claire Kelly (
Individual subject enquiries:
Your child’s class teacher
General enquiries or concerns:
Heads of Year:
Year 9 Aaron Lindon (
Year 10 Laura Paterson (
Year 11 James Harris (
Sixth Form Emily Rayner (