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Corfe Hills School

Safeguarding Advice

To view our Safeguarding Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy and Complaints Policy please see our Policies Page

In addition to our safeguarding policy, the school wants to make every effort to provide parents with up to date resources, advice and guidance on matters concerning student safety.

The Parent Support Page includes articles of interest and contact numbers amongst other things that we think would be helpful.

However, if you have any safeguarding concerns or queries please contact:

Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Mrs S Jones - 01202 006666 – sjones@corfehills.net

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Miss C Clarke - 01202 112242 - cclarke@corfehills.net
Miss L Vincent  - 01202 112240 - lvincent@corfehills.net

Staying Connected but Staying Safe Online

Children are naturally spending more time online to keep in touch with family or friends.

The reliance on social media, video chat apps and other online platforms means more young people are at risk. They will be targeted by people who are aware of the popularity of certain apps like Houseparty and Tik Tok and will use these platforms to abuse and exploit children.

Whilst staying connected is crucial in these testing times, it’s essential we work hard to ensure internet use is safe and children and young people.

The Government has published guidance for parents/carers and you can visit the Pan Safeguarding Children in Dorset website for more support and guidance.  They have also pulled together a list of resources below which you may find useful:

Safer Internet – Keeping Children Happy and Safe Online during Covid 19
Tik-Tok App Safety – What Parents needs to know
Internet Matters – What is the Houseparty App – What Parents need to know
Childline – Staying Safe Online
NSPCC – Online Safety
Childnet – Online Safety Activities you can do from home

“Sexting” – Changes to the Law

Taking, making or distributing indecent photographs or possession of an indecent photograph of a child are state based criminal offences and therefore all reported offences of youth produced sexual imagery to Dorset Police, including directly calling or e-mailing the Safe Schools & Communities Team (SSCT), will be recorded as a crime against the state on the police systems, in line with Home Office Counting Rules (HOCR).

Every crime recorded on a police system has to be assigned an outcome. Outcome 21 allows the Police to formalise their discretion when handling crimes such as youth produced sexual imagery.

If the reported incident does not involve any aggravating features, and careful assessment of the facts of the case suggest that the making and sharing of images is considered non-abusive and there is no evidence of exploitation, grooming, profit motive, malicious intent, inappropriate sharing or persistent behaviour then Outcome 21 may be considered as the most appropriate crime outcome code.

The “Sexting in schools and colleges” guidance produced by the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) provides more comprehensive detail for educational establishments on how they should be dealing with such incidents. The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) has made clear that incidents involving youth produced sexual imagery should primarily be treated as safeguarding issues.

The guidance clearly states what factors to consider and when it is necessary and proportionate to involve the police or other agencies. We would recommend that relevant staff within your organisation familiarise themselves with the new guidance which can be found online at https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/uk-council-for-child-internet-safety-ukccis

The NSPCC runs the Child protection in sport unit which has a web site with a lot of useful information for sports clubs and for parents


Specific advice for parents can be found at


There are various resources such as posters for sports clubs, available from the NSPCC


The Poole Family information directory also has good guidance for parents about the questions to ask when looking for a club or activity for their child


This includes a link to guidance for dance and drama schools

The LSCB Tutor – advice to parents leaflet is available on Workspace

Photographs Used on the School Website

Photographs used on the website are authorised through the students school admissions paperwork which asks parents/carers to allow permission for photograph to be used.