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Corfe Hills School

We Are Readers

“Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.” – Roald Dahl

“A greater percentage of primary than secondary aged children view themselves as ‘a reader’” (Ofsted: Reading for pleasure)

At Corfe Hills we believe that every child should read for pleasure every day and should enjoy challenging texts that stretch their imaginations and increase their vocabulary.

Our tutor time programme, “We are Readers”, enables students to take part daily in a shared reading experience. We read books that encourage them to look beyond their own lives and experiences and to empathise with and be inspired by fictional and real life characters. We love to hear our students discuss the books they are reading, to walk in the footsteps of someone living in a different time or place. Research suggests that around 90% of language is only really encountered through reading; this programme expands our students’ vocabularies as tutors explain words and phrases that may not be familiar to them. This in turn allows them to better understand and have a more positive impact on the world around them.

Our students enjoy reading and read every day; “We are Readers” is a privilege to share with them and with you.

 Year 9 Reading List



Year 10 Reading List